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Download / Upload Applications

TBCF assists qualifying low-to-moderate income families with up to $2,500 to cover the costs of funeral arrangements. 

*If a family is filling out an initial Direct Financial Assistance Fund (DFA) Application at the time their child passes, please continue to submit DFA Application and additionally request Funeral Funding. 

Funeral Fund Application Process

Within DFA Year Anchor

If a child passes within a year of approval date for DFA Funding or Relapse Funding:

You only need to submit a program request form along with a social worker request letter

If a child passes after a year of approval date for DFA Funding or Relapse Funding:

A full Funeral Fund application will need to be completed and submit along with a social worker request letter and application supplemental documents

After a Year Anchor

What Happens Once a Family is Approved for Funeral Fund?

Upload Application Anchor
If Approved Anchor

What Happens Once a Family is Approved?

Once a family is approved for funding, TBCF will email you to inform you they were approved for $2,500.


  • TBCF can either pay the funeral home or cemetery directly, or we can reimburse the family

  • If we are paying the funeral home or cemetery directly, a check will be sent once we receive an invoice of expenses

  • If reimbursing the family, a check will be sent once we receive a copy of their original invoice of expenses

  • If a family still has funding left in their Direct Financial Assistance or Relapse Fund, they can select to use their remaining funding at this time to go toward their funeral expenses (or we can continue to mail their original funding to their home per their payment plan)

Mission Statement: Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation advocates for families living in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties that have a child with cancer by providing financial, educational, and emotional support.

Declaración de misión: Abogar por familias que viven en los condados de Santa Bárbara, Ventura y San Luis Obispo que tienen un hijo con cáncer, brindando apoyo financiero, educativo y emocional.

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Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation

3892 State St., Ste. 220 | Santa Barbara, CA 93105


Monday - Thursday 8:30AM - 5:30PM

Friday 8:30AM - 1:00PM

Tax ID Number: 14-1872081

Why Gold?

Although many colors were considered, gold was agreed upon as the ideal choice for childhood cancer awareness because gold is a precious metal, and is therefore the perfect color to reflect the most precious thing in our lives - our children.

© 2020  by Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation

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